
Off the Wall Kidz: Creating Joyful Memories for Kids and Adults

Where Fun, Safety, and Imagination Collide for Unforgettable Playtime

November 2, 2023

Off the Wall Kidz is a family owned and operated business built to create a fun, creative and diverse indoor play experience for kids of all ages. Here you will find they have incorporated every parent's top priorities of cleanliness, safety, affordability and imaginative play.

Inside there is a variety of fun awaiting! Ideal for children ages 1-10 who can explore the two story play structure with slides, obstacles and ball blaster zone. In the main space there is a full arcade with games designed for all ages. For the littles, there is a toddler only area catered to their stage of play and safely enclosed. A fan favorite part is that admission allows for unlimited play time and there is a full service cafe area and seating for refueling and relaxing. 

Off the Wall Kidz in North Hampton is an ideal space to celebrate your little one's special milestones. There are multiple party room spaces and an all inclusive party package. It's time to take in and enjoy birthday parties and let someone else do the heavy lifting! Plan a party!

There are also Private Play options available to take your event to the next level and have exclusive use of the entire space. Imagine the memories made of having the entire 10,000 square feet to yourself!  Book private play!

When you walk in as an adult you appreciate the level of cleaning done day in and day out. As a child, they get to be themselves in a space just for them. Off the Wall Kidz prides themselves on being a place where children can let their energy out while letting the fun in.